Garden design in Little Chalfont
A new lawn, sculpted flower beds, a raised decking terrace, trees and sweeping paths are key elements to this new garden.
Karl said “I really enjoyed this one, there really isn’t anything this garden hasn’t got…” (that the client didn’t want of course)
Clients garden design brief
The existing garden was an uneven lawn, an unloved shed, a disused play area and very little by way of planting. The paving had recently been done in black limestone with a matching pointing.
“I would really like this garden to look like a garden. A garden that looks interesting from all angles. I’d also like somewhere else to sit and entertain… the rest is up to you.”
The elongated straight edge of the paving appeared awkward; It needed to be softened. The brief being to leave the existing paving restricted the options. The raised children’s play area was something to be taken advantage of. It had a height and was ideal for a secondary seating area.
The garden needs a path to maximise its use… there were many options for this important feature of the garden
Curving paths with black paving
A dark charcoal paver was our option for the path, the client liked it as it worked with the colours of the property. The size and shape of the path lent itself to the Chelmer Valley clay paver called “Amersham”. A tumbled and rustic style brick which is much softer looking than a sharp-edged brick.
The paths sweep across the new lawn, curvaceous and graceful from one side of the garden to the other.
Garden feature rocks
1200 Kgs divided between 4 large stone that features in the flower beds. The largest being 450 Kgs didn’t pose any difficulties for the professional landscaping team.
The stones were chosen for their unique shape, colour and texture. They had to be compatible with the main terrace paving as they were to become part of it.
The stones are scribed into the existing paving. The careful cutting in allowed the shape of the stone to be matched in the paving. This breaks to edges of the terrace and brings the flower beds into the paving.
Garden design by Karl Harrison
If you live in Little Chalfont and are considering a new garden, why not use a local garden designer? There is a local garden designer that has 20 years of creative passion for gardens. Karl has created many gardens around the areas local to Little Chalfont. He has also designed and landscaped roof terraces for some of London’s premier landmark properties…
Covered garden decking terrace
A prominent feature of the garden is the covered decking terrace. Wrapped in a simple batten trellis and surrounded by planting and a fire pit area. It has lights, power, a tv projector and lovely furniture.
The materials are all pine, this includes the substantial posts and decking. The roof has a rubber membrane which is essential for the Sedum roof.
The fire pit is formed with a foundation of compacted type 1 mot and a liberal covering of self-binding gravel. Its delineated with a 5mm steel edging which was formed onsite.
Our materials suppliers that were on time and efficient in many ways
Sedum roof Harrowden Turf
Feature rocks CED
Trees Riverside Nurseries
Main planting Babylon Plants
Soil, compost, turf –
Aggregates –
Decking and timber –
Lighting Country Supplies
Chelmer Valley pavers London Stone
Irrigation Blue Skies watering systems
Planting a garden in Little Chalfont
The soil, conditioner and compost for this garden was in the order of 6 tonnes of soil and 9000 litres of compost medium.
The trees
Acer Sango Kaku 150 litre
Acer Palmatum 150 litre
Cornus Kousa, stellar pink 350 litre
Euonymus Alatus 75 litres
The colour scheme for this garden was important to the client. Red, blue, purple, white and blue form the colours for this scheme.
Main planting
Alchemilla sericata ‘Gold Strike’
Agapanthus (various)
Aster novi-belgii ‘Neron’
Astilbe chinensis ‘Vision in Red’
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Alexanders Great’
Carex morrowii ‘Irish Green’
Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ Echinacea (various)
Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Sea of Blossom’
Euphorbia amygdaloides ‘Purpurea’
Fatsia japonica ‘Spider’s Web’
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterflies’
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’
Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’Iris (various)
Osmanthus x burkwoodii Pachysandra terminalis
Panicum virgatum (various)
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’
Soleirolia soleirolii
Verbena bonariensis ‘Lollipop’
Vinca minor ‘Bowles’s Variety’
Wisteria sinensis
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